If you can dream it, you can do it

Meaning : Get inspired with the life and words of famed entrepreneur Walt Disney who said “If you can dream it, you can do it”. The most famous quote attributed to Walt Disney, the creator of the much-loved Disney characters is “If you can dream it, you can do it.” The quote itself is beautiful, but it takes on special meaning given Walt Disney’s personal story. Struggling as a cartoonist, he created the character of Mickey Mouse and eventually, when he could not get his work published, created an animation company that immortalised his vision and is one of the largest media houses in the world today. It is not just his business journey that is an inspiration. It is the fact that he effectively spawned a whole new industry by mainstreaming animation and creating a magical new world that inspired children. He created ‘dreams’ and for over four generations, children have grown up on a diet of Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and the stories of Snow White, Alad...
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